5 Incredible Ways to Decrease CPC and Drive Better Results

As an advertiser or brand manager navigating today’s crowded digital landscape, how can you make your ads stand out without blowing your budget?

Building a relevant CPC strategy and continually optimizing it, ensures that you reduce the wastage in your PPC pipeline, and gather tonnes of high-intent leads that can be converted with minimum effort and lower costs.

Here’s how to build and optimize a high-performing PPC campaign, with a CPC that pinches more results from your budget.

A/B Testing

Experimenting with various ad formats and combinations of extensions can enhance your chances of lowering CPCs and boosting conversion rates. By continually testing and optimizing your ads, you can discover the ideal mix that appeals to your audience and minimizes costs.

Pause Low-Performing Keywords

By identifying underperforming keywords, you can pause those keywords that aren’t generating results. This ensures that your budget is more effectively allocated to high-performing keywords  that do the lions-share of the work.

Refine your Audience

Refining your target audience to focus on the most relevant users can greatly decrease competition for ad space and lower your CPC. By reaching the right audience, you not only save money but also enhance your chances of conversions.

Optimizating Ad Copy, Creative and Landing Pages

The quality of your ad copy, creative content, and landing pages is crucial for improving your quality score. Ads that are well-crafted match user intent like a glove, and lead to higher engagement and reduced CPCs.

Utilize Bid Strategies

Aligning your bidding strategy with your goals and projected conversion costs, can make your budget more effective and reduce CPC. By adjusting your bid strategy based on demographics like location, device and Time zone etc. you can enhance performance and reel-in improved returns from your bid strategy.

Use negative keywords

To prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches, you need to keep updating your negative keyword list. By doing this, you avoid wasting your ad budget on non converting clicks. Ensuring your ads are only seen by legitimately interested users lowers your CPC.

Increase Quality Score

Improving your quality score is crucial to lowering your CPC. Quality score reflects the relevance and accuracy of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. By focusing on attaining a higher quality score, you can achieve lower CPCs and even lower bids rates.

Achieve this and more with Tech Bay Leaf

We are Tech Bay Leaf a digital marketing agency in the USA, Europe and India, that take prides in its dedication to generating results through strategic marketing backed by data and insights.

By smartly optimising your budget and keywords, we can help you achieve better results without breaking the bank. We specialise in google search ads, remarketing ads, youtube ads, display ads, google shopping ads, and more.

Let’s work together to make your digital marketing campaigns more effective and Cost-efficient!

Count on expertise in leveraging smart strategies, tips, and tricks to achieve your business goals through (PPC) advertising, all while keeping costs in check. 


CPC stands for Cost Per Click, which is the amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. It’s a crucial metric because it directly affects your advertising & marketing budget and overall return on investment (ROI). Lowering your CPC means getting more clicks and potential leads for less money, making your campaigns more *cost-effective.*

A/B testing involves experimenting with different ad formats, copy, and extensions to find the best-performing combination. By continually optimizing your ads through A/B testing, you can improve their relevance and appeal, leading to higher engagement and lower CPC.
Yes! Tech Bay Leaf specializes in optimizing digital marketing campaigns to achieve better results at lower costs. Our expertise in Google search ads, remarketing ads, YouTube ads, display ads, and more allows us to create cost-efficient strategies tailored to your business needs.
A quality score is a measure of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to users. A higher quality score generally leads to lower CPC because search engines reward ads that provide a better user experience. Improving your quality score can therefore reduce your costs while enhancing ad performance.

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